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About Lowther Loudspeakers

In 1934, Paul Voigt released the Domestic Corner Horn, a horn-loaded speaker that would go on to shape audio experiences for generations to come - a pivotal moment in the history of British speakers. Voigt’s horn-loaded speaker changed sound reproduction forever, as a new standard of quality was reached. The bar was set. In the same year, Paul Voigt met O.P. Lowther and this would be the start of a friendship that would leave its mark on the audio industry’s history forever.

Since that very first day, almost 90 years ago, Lowther Loudspeakers has developed countless speaker cabinets, created a community of passionate audiophile DIYers, and paved the way for speaker companies around the world.

You’ll find Lowther’s signature horn-loaded speakers at home in Canada, China, Germany, the United States and countless other exotic locations across the globe, as well as its home, the United Kingdom.

From the 1930s to the 2020s a lot has changed. But Lowther's pursuit of perfection hasn’t.